About Looking Glass Creative
I love building websites

I craft stylish, intuitive, and easy-to-use custom Squarespace sites to empower businesses with heart

Hello, I'm Kelly. Looking Glass Creative founder. It’s great to meet you!

Smiling woman with her head tilted slightly to the side. She has big brown glasses and long pinkish/brown hair.

A little about me:

  • I’m the former Head of Digital Marketing for one of Australia’s biggest publishing houses (I worked in publishing for about 12 years)

  • In my former life, I built and created digital marketing strategies that have helped authors, publishers and online book communities thrive

  • My website design for Julia Levitina was chosen as one of the best colourful web designs in a DesignRush feature. They look for top entertainment sites from around the web!

At the time I was made redundant from my last job in publishing, I learned my dad was about to face the worst C word you can think of. Cancer.

It broke my world and made me think about what I love doing and how I want to live my life.

I love solving problems, and that’s what a good website should do (that and they’re like giant puzzles you get to play with and put together!).

The dreamers, the makers, and the doers. There’s a little bit of stardust in you.

I've always been drawn to a particular type of person. These are the people I get to help now. I’m fiercely passionate about helping authors, creators, entrepreneurs, and small businesses tell their stories and kick arse online.

Stories matter. They connect us. That’s at the heart of what you’re looking to achieve with your website.

That's my story. I’d love to help you tell yours.

Throughout my years in publishing, I worked on digital marketing for Stephen King, Jodi Picoult, Kate Morton (no relation), Cassandra Clare, John Grisham, Neil Gaiman, J.K. Rowling and so many Beatle books that made my little Beatle-loving heart sing.

Gosh. I’ve been lucky.

What else would you like to know?

  • I am a Beatlemaniac (yes, I saw Paul McCartney on tour and I think I might burst)

  • I love old movies and history

  • My dog Mikey is my best mate. He’s 14-years-old now!

  • I have a very loud and very silly laugh

  • My favourite movie? It’s a three-way tie between Charlie Chaplin’s The Kid, Drop Dead Fred and A League of Their Own (What’s yours?)

  • In my spare time, I love making earrings and goodies with a nostalgic nod: Good Bygone Designs and also gear for Lawn Bowl lovers (this one is inspired by my dad).

Me and my best boy

Me and my best boy, Mikey